Interface: ContextMenuItem


The items map contains the commands to list in the menu. Each command has a unique key identifying an item object. The value may either be an item (properties explained below), or a string (which will insert a separator, disregarding the string's content). It is also possible to define a seperator the same as an item, and use the type:cm_separator to define it.

 var items = {
  firstCommand: itemOptions,
  separator1: "-----",
  separator2: { "type": "cm_separator" },
  command2: itemOptions,
  submenu: {
    type: "submenu"
    submenuItem1: itemOptions,
    submenuItem2: itemOptions,

Since 2.3 it is also possible to use a promise as item, so you can build submenu's based on a snynchronous promis.

Check out the demo using a promise for an example how to use this. The example uses jQuery deferred, but any promise should do. Promised can only be used in combination with the build option.

Name Type Argument Description
type ContextMenuItemTypes | string

Specifies the type of the command. See ContextMenuItemTypes.

name string

Specify the human readable name of the command in the menu. This is used as the label for the option.

isHtmlName boolean

Should this item be called with .html() instead of .text(). Cannot be used with the accesskey option in the same item.

items Object.<string, ContextMenuItem>

Object containing the menu items for creating a submenu.

className string

Specifies additional classNames to add to the menu item. Seperate multiple classes by using spaces.

callback ContextMenuItemCallback

Specifies the callback to execute if the item is clicked.

icon ContextMenuIconCallback | string

Specifies the icon class to set for the item. When using a string icons must be defined in CSS with selectors like .context-menu-item.context-menu-icon-edit, where edit is the icon class specified. When using a callback you can return a class string to use that as the class on the item. You can also modify the element by using the $itemElement argument.

disabled ContextMenuItemCallback | boolean

Specifies if the command is disabled (true) or enabled (false). May be a callback returning a boolean.

visible ContextMenuItemCallback | boolean

Specifies if the command is disabled (true) or enabled (false). May be a callback returning a boolean.

accesskey string

Character(s) to be used as accesskey.

Considering a b c $.contextMenu will first try to use »a« as the accesskey, if already taken, it'll fall through to b. Words are reduced to the first character, so hello world is treated as h w.

Note: Accesskeys are treated unique throughout one menu. This means an item in a sub-menu can't occupy the same accesskey as an item in the main menu.

$input JQuery <nullable>

The input element if it was build for this item.

events Object.<string, function()>

Events to register on a ContextMenuItem. The contents of the options object are passed as jQuery

value string

The value of the <input> element.

selected boolean | string

The selected option of a select element and the checked property for checkbox and radio ContextMenuItemTypes.

radio string

Specifies the group of the radio element.

options string

Specifies the options of the select element.

height Number

The height in pixels <textarea> element. If not specified, the height is defined by CSS.

items Object.<string, ContextMenuItem>

Items to show in a sub-menu. You can nest as many as you like.
